Saturday, October 30, 2010

Comments for 11/1

Reading Notes for 11/1

Developing and Re-imagining library....
I wonder why the GSU Library didn't expect things to be disorganized and inconsistent with multiple people working separately. But I guess hindsight is always 20/20. It was interesting to hear that the librarians have the option of tagging in CMS. Reading the article made me glad I won't be doing this type of stuff.

The Try It Yourself HTML was fun to play around with. I had to click back often to see what to do. CSS looked more difficult. The Introduction said you should already have some basic knowledge of HTML or XHTML. Something which I lack, even after reading and playing with HTML first. I love having clear and easy examples; thank you W3School.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Muddiest Point 10/25

I have no muddiest point this week. I was really interested to learn about the difference between the Internet and WWW. I have been using the words interchangeably.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Zotero & CiteULike Assignment 4

Here is the URL for my library:

I loved this assignment, it was so much fun.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Comments for 10/25 Week 7

Reading Comments for 10/25

Sergey Brin and Larry Page on Google
I liked the video on Google, especially the awesome visual of the world with the colored lights! I almost cried from laughing so hard about Las Ketchup, my friend used to be in love with that song. It was really interesting that Google lives by a 20% rule; that employees can do what they want for a small portion of the time. The guys are great presenters and entertaining.

Dismantling Intergrated Library Systems
The issue of interoperability seems to be a big one everywhere. And like everything, money is an issue. I think that libraries should embrace new technologies but I know that it is hard for them because of funding and budgets.

How the Internet Infrastructure Works
It is so interesting to see how something that I use everyday works. When I turn on a computer and get on the web I never think about what is going on. This article was pretty long and some things are still over my head. However, I know way more than I used to.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fasttrack Muddiest Point

Could you explain the use of P2P in regards to please?

Monday, October 11, 2010

JING Assignment

There is the link to my JING video which shows how to access the libraries' websites tofigure out their hours and other stuff. I also show how the website can be used to find a University of Pittsburgh library using google maps. There is no audio, sorry!

Here are the links to the flickr screen captures:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Comments for 10/12

Reading Notes for 10/12

Management of RFID in Libraries
I don't know if I see how great these tags will be. People will still need to manage a library because at some point something will go wrong with technology. Yes, it may speed things up, but by how much? These tags may be a great way to prevent theft in a library. But, are people really stealing that many books from libraries? I think this may be a great thing for a large library but I can't imagine smaller libraries embracing it (I am assuming these RFID tags are not cheap). I guess we will see how things pan out.

Computer Network -Wikipedia
If the optical fiber is so much better and faster than the coaxial and twisted cables, why aren't we using it? I am assuming it is probably more expensive and that is why. I have to say that when I was reading the wireless technologies and terrestrial microwaves was a bullet, I thought they were going to discuss kitchen microwaves! I just thought I would include this because it really cracked me up. Although I had seen the acronyms before, I never knew what LAN, WAN, or PAN meant before reading this article. I was wondering if University of Pittsburgh employs a campus network or a metropolitan area network.

Local Area Network - Wikipedia
It is interesting that the attraction to using LAN was to share laser printers and disk space, because they were expensive. I have never even heard of Netware, Windows NT, or Windows for Workgroups. Thank goodness for the links to words and terms that wikipedia has!

Common Types of Computer Networks -Frank Klein (YouTube)
I really like that someone took the time to answer a question posted in the comments section. I went to the relativitycorps website and browsed for a bit. I read about Mr. Klein, and he is a pretty interesting guy. He was Assistant Superintendent of Information Systems in Pueblo School District 60. He also received some acclaim for his dedication to technology solutions. Among many other things. I liked the video; it was nice to hear it in the shortened version after reading.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Muddiest Point 10/4

I was wondering if you could clarify the differences between structure, semi-structured, and unstructured data. I am a little confused about them. The definition of semi-structured data (from my notes): is that is does not use tables in database for structure; does this imply that structured data does? Thanks!