Friday, October 22, 2010

Reading Comments for 10/25

Sergey Brin and Larry Page on Google
I liked the video on Google, especially the awesome visual of the world with the colored lights! I almost cried from laughing so hard about Las Ketchup, my friend used to be in love with that song. It was really interesting that Google lives by a 20% rule; that employees can do what they want for a small portion of the time. The guys are great presenters and entertaining.

Dismantling Intergrated Library Systems
The issue of interoperability seems to be a big one everywhere. And like everything, money is an issue. I think that libraries should embrace new technologies but I know that it is hard for them because of funding and budgets.

How the Internet Infrastructure Works
It is so interesting to see how something that I use everyday works. When I turn on a computer and get on the web I never think about what is going on. This article was pretty long and some things are still over my head. However, I know way more than I used to.


  1. Sara, I agree about the article about how the Internet Infrastructure works--loved seeing how this stuff works. I'm understanding more each time when I do the reading. I got a little confused with the part about the octets in the IP address, so I had to read it a few times.

  2. Tim and Sara, I totally agree. Even though some of it went over my head too, it was great to get such a thorough explanation of something that not only do I use everyday but I feel that is such a huge part of many people's lives.
    Sara, I also agree with your thinking on Integrated Library Systems. I guess I was more than a little surprised though that libraries had not run into this problem earlier, or that they had not been trying to find ways to move away from vendors that charge way to much for their systems.
